Chapter 1 Don't Judge What You Don't Know

I throwed my books into my locker and quickly closed it and heard all my books fall down against it. I moaned, I should definitely not have done that. But of course nobody will laugh at me when all my books fall out over me tomorrow, I hope. I sighed to myself, reversed psychology just didn’t work. I took my skateboard and started running through the school corridor when I felt somebody grab my arm.
“And where do you think you’re going?” Alexi of course, who else? Alexi is my best friend; we have known each other so long as I can remember. She’s the person you want to keep on her good side, if you don’t I promise hell will break lose. But I can always count on her and there do exist a lot of kindness in her too.

“Home and no I won’t forget to call you later I promise.”  I said and gave her an innocent smile.
“You better don’t, alright see you later Carly!” She released me and I started to run again.
“Bye Lex!”  I throwed myself through the crowds that came streaming out of the classrooms and I heard how people moaned and puffed.
“I’m so sorry!” I screamed but kept running because honestly I didn’t care I just wanted to get out of here as fast as possible. When I got out I jumped down the stairs, throwed my skateboard on the ground, jumped on to it and kicked off. I went as fast as I could and after a while I saw my house but I continued, I weren’t on my way home yet. Just a bit down my street I turned into a little alley and stopped in front of a window. I opened it, throwed my skateboard in and then jumped in after it.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and enjoyed the silent for a moment. This was my place, I had actually never told anyone about this place not even Alexi. To someone else this was probably just an old warehouse that was rebuilt into a room with mirrors. To me it was everything; this was my own personal dance studio. I had actually put the mirrors up all by myself, after a little fight with the screws and those things but the main thing is that they are up now and that I actually did it. And I had also bought a stereo and brought it here, also that all by myself. I got over to the stereo and took out a CD of my bag, started it and in a second Stronger – Kanye West streamed out of the speakers. I let go of reality and naturally started to move, it felt sort of like the music was speaking to my body, telling it to move and I loved it more than anything. I was in my own bubble, my own reality.

Suddenly a high irritating sound made me step back into reality and I realized it was my phone ringing.
“You forgot to call.” Of course Alexi again, what did I expect? I nearly burst out into laugh but I knew Alexi to good to start laughing now, she would literally kill me through the phone.
“I’m so so sorry, am I in much trouble?”
“Deep trouble, I has gone nearly three hours since school finished. You better have a really good excuse for not calling me in three hours!” three hours, seriously? I’ve been dancing for three hours? I laughed to myself when I thought of different things that I could tell her I’d done for three hours.
“You better not be laughing Carly, I’m deadly serious here! “
“I’m so sorry Lex, I guess I just forgot it.”
“To pay me back for your horrible mistake you better meet me at Starbucks in ten minutes, ten minutes Carly you hear that?”
“I’ll be there, promise this time!”
“Great, se you there bye”
“Bye Lex, and I’m still sorry” I said and smiled but she hung up before I finished the sentence but I knew I was forgiven.
But since I don’t want to get on her bad side again I took my stuffs and jumped out and went as fast as I could against Starbucks.

“Here’s your Frapino Miss”

“Here’s your Frapino Miss”

“Thank you” I took it turned around and walked over to Alexis table. She gave me a deadly look when she saw me.
“I know you have forgiven me by now so stop playing girl, and I’m still sorry!”  I said and gave her a big smile.
“Okay I give up, your forgiven” she smiled back.
“But what the hell have you been doing for three hours that were so important?”
“Nothing special” I answered to quickly to not be susceptive and avoided her suspicious look. 
“Never mind, have you talked to your dad yet?” Now it was my turn to look suspiciously at her, I haven’t talked to my dad since he moved away from London to Mullingar in Ireland. Why would I’ve talk to him now?
“Why would I’ve talked to him?”
“Well I don’t know, maybe he’d called you or something.” When I tried to look at her she turned away and avoided my gaze.
“What’s going on? Do you know something I don’t?”
“Um no of course not I was just wondering” There’s something she’s from me, I know it.
“Lex? You’re a terrible liar I know that there’s something you’re keeping from me!” I managed to catch her glance for a second and judging out of her expressions she looked like I caught her doing something wrong.
“It’s nothing! Stop questioning me like a damn cop or something, it was only a question for god’s sake!” There was definitely something going on with this reaction but to be honest I’m actually a little bit scared of Alexi when she gets mad so I’ll better just leave it

“I’m sorry! You don’t have to be mad at me; you know how things are with my dad…”
“I’m sorry to Carly, shouldn’t even have asked” she smiled at me.
“Changing subject, have you heard this band called One Direction?” She said excited
“Since when did you start to listen to teenage boy bands? Seriously Lex, who are you and what have you done to my best friend?” I said and then we both burst out into laugh.
“Shut up, but seriously do you even know who they are?”
“Of course I know who they are, they’re in every freaking magazine I see, and there are a bunch of girls screaming their names all the time” I said with a sigh. I was so tired of these “One Direction” boys that I could literally puke on them.
“Have you even listened to their music?”
“No and I don’t even want to”
“Fine, it’s your loss! I mean they’re actually really good and they’re very sexy all of them” I burst out into laugh and then looked sarcastically at her.
“There’s something terribly wrong with you, but fine  go ahead and continue to like them just don’t mention them when I’m near because you know what? I hate them.”  It’s true it wasn’t even an overstatement I hate these One Direction boys. I bet they are both snobbish and mean and that everything they do is just an act. A bunch of fake silly teenage boys is exactly what they are.


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